Country: Switzerland, Mexico
Year: 2023
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Runtime: 15 mins.

Alberto and Susana, married for 60 years, have lived their daily lives in Tepoztlán the same way for decades. Hand in hand they cope with the hard work in the fields and in the house. Their relationship now has noticeable scars. There seems to be no trace of love any more. One last project unites the two: on their anniversary they want to climb "their" mountain once again.

Remo Scherrer

Born in 1986 in Mutschellen, Switzerland. 2003-06 Apprenticeship as chef. 2009-13 Attends HLSU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst). 2013 BA in Animation from HSLU. 2015 MA in Animation from HSLU.

Director: Remo Scherrer
Cinematography: Ernesto Madrigal, Romina Rodriguez
Production: Sarah Born, Rajko Jazbec, Dario Schoch, Catpics AG
Editing: Natalia Bermudez
Music: Rahel Zimmermann
Sound: Christoph Benz


19:00 (Horario CST)
Auditorio Mateo Herrera

San Miguel de Allende
18:00 (Horario CST)
Cinemex Luciérnaga | Sala 7